- Water Conservation - The Ultimate Guide on Water Conservation: How To Save Every Drop
- What's In Your Water - Understanding the History and Importance of Water Regulations
- Rain Gardens - Utilizing Rainwater and Gravity: A Guide to Rain Gardens.
- Climate Change - How Data Science Can Help Fight Climate Change
- Park City Green - Learn how Park City as a whole is improving our carbon footprint by tracking water and power usage.
- USGS Gaging Station on East Canyon Creek - Just above the East Canyon Reservoir. Includes hydrolab
- East Canyon Creek flow near East Canyon Water Reclamation - District Site that includes Upstream and Downstream Creek flow and Effluent Discharge from the East Canyon Water Reclamation Facility
- East Canyon Watershed Restoration Action Plan - A cohesive picture of the water quality issues and opportunities in the East Canyon Watershed and a strategy for implementing needed water quality improvements. (pdf file - download Adobe® Acrobat® reader)
- USGS Gaging Station on Silver Creek - Just below the SCWRF discharge and above I-80. Includes Hydrolab
- USGS Gaging Station on East Canyon Creek - Just below the ECWRF discharge and just above the Jeremy Ranch Golf Course. Includes Hydrolab
- USGS Gaging Station on East Canyon Creek - Just below the Bitner Ranch following the confluence with Kimball Creek
- USGS Gaging Station on McLeod Creek - Near Quarry Mountain and East of S.R. 224
- Water Environment Association of Utah - State volunteer organization of wastewater professionals.
- Water Environment Federation - National organization of wastewater professionals
- Utah Division of Water Quality: - Responsible for regulating water reclamation facilities.
- Utah Division of Water Rights: Current Water Rights Cutoff Dates
- Environmental Protection Agency
- East Canyon Watershed Committee - A coalition of public and private concerns that have a vested interest in restoring the watershed to a healthy state.
- Association of Metropolitan Sewer Agencies
- Park City
- Summit County
- Park City Visitors Bureau
- Recycle Utah
- Adopt-A-Waterbody - An innovative community involvement program designed to benefit Utah's water resources and be rewarding and educational for the volunteer groups involved.
- State of Utah Division of Water Quality's collaborative E. coli monitoring website - The information on this Web site is maintained by a multi-agency committee on E. coli, and is intended to be accessible for up-to-date advisory information about E. coli levels in State lakes and reservoirs.