Annual Comprehensive Financial Report

For those who want more than just the overview from our annual report, a more detailed explanation of our financial statements is available here. The Certificate of Achievement For Excellence in Financial Reporting is the highest form of recognition for state and local governments. Our Annual Financial Report has received this award consecutively since 1999. We were among the first governments to have issued financial statements in accordance with GASB 34, before it was required.

Budget and Annual Reports

Not your average annual report, we strive to create a document that provides an overview of the previous year’s activities without making it too agonizing to read. It includes budget information and activities for all District departments.

Infrastructure Asset Management Plan

Wastewater service is vital for protecting human health and the environment. The infrastructure assets owned by the Snyderville Basin Water Reclamation District (SBWRD) represent a major investment by the community to provide effective and efficient wastewater service. This document describes the District’s Asset Management Plan (AMP) for managing those, and future, infrastructure assets at an effective and efficient level of service set by the Board of Trustees.

The SBWRD adopted an AMP that provides a formal record of the asset management systems, practices and management strategies of the District. The AMP clarifies and defines key levels of service for wastewater services and identifies procedures for costing future operations, maintenance, asset renewal, and capital requirements to provide these levels of service. This report will provide the reader with a brief comparison of the actual levels of service provided during the year, compared to target levels of service.