Engineering Staff
Kevin Berkley
District Engineer
Kevin is responsible for the management of the Engineering Department. He works with the department staff to establish and implement construction standards, policies, and procedures for new wastewater system construction.
Lisa Sessions
Engineering Technician Specialist
Lisa can answer questions and set up appointments for private lateral inspections and approvals. Lisa also processes correspondence, maintains engineering files, and keeps the Engineering Department running smoothly.
Trent Bay
Project Manager
Trent coordinates the engineering and construction management of District sewer collection system projects. Trent is also responsible for the District's GPS work and wastewater flow monitoring and modeling.
Cory Shorkey
Development Engineer
Cory coordinates the wastewater system design, construction inspection and approval of new subdivisions and developments within the District. He can answer questions regarding the development process and the status of development projects in that process.
Blaine Bowden
Private Lateral Inspector
Blaine is responsible for inspecting new sewer lateral connections and repairs. He can answer questions regarding construction standards and testing requirements for these projects. To schedule private lateral inspections, please contact Lisa Sessions listed above.
Glenn Warner
Mainline Inspector
Glenn is responsible for inspecting new main line projects and can answer questions concerning construction standards and testing requirements for these projects.
Dave Garritson
Information System and GIS Administrator
Dave maintains all the District’s databases and the Local Area Network (LAN). He maintains the District’s geographical data using a Geographic Information System (GIS).