Who We Are Where We Are Going Mission Statement Guiding Principles Awards Service Area

Who We Are

The Snyderville Basin Water Reclamation District (SBWRD), Summit County, Utah, operates under Utah Code Annotated (UCA), Title 17A. Originally created by the Summit County Board of Commissioners, December 5, 1973, as the Snyderville Basin Sewer Improvement District, the District changed its name in 2001, to more accurately reflect the focus and objectives of its operations. The District provides the wastewater collection and reclamation services to western Summit County (Snyderville Basin) which includes Park City. SBWRD collects wastewater from 13,000 +/- homes and businesses in the area. To accomplish this purpose, initially, the District received grant funds from the United States Environmental Protection Agency for the construction of the East Canyon Water Reclamation Facility (ECWRF) and major trunk sewers. These facilities became operational in the spring of 1980 and have undergone several upgrades and expansions since then.

The District encompasses approximately 102 square miles and operates and maintains two reclamation facilities, ten pump stations, one odor control facility, a collection network consisting of over 302 miles of pipelines and an administrative building. The principal place of business and office of the District is in the administrative office building at 2800 Homestead Road, Park City, Summit County, Utah, which building is known and designated as the “District Office.”

The Board of Trustees is made up of four elected members from the general populace of the District and one member appointed by the Park City Municipal Corporation. The District is not a component unit of any other government.

The regular meetings of the Board of Trustees of the District are usually held on the third Monday of each month at 5:00 p.m. at the District office. See our front page for the current board meeting.

Where We Are Going

If you are interested in where we are going, you can find it in this document: Strategic Business Plan.

Mission Statement

The Snyderville Basin Water Reclamation District is committed to protect public health and the environment by developing, integrating, and implementing fiscally responsible solutions to wastewater, water reclamation and watershed protection issues.

Guiding Principles

  1. Provide, through proper planning, the capacity to meet current and future demand for wastewater services.
  2. Provide for the proper maintenance and replacement of the District’s infrastructure assets.
  3. Provide professional and timely response to customer inquiries and service needs.
  4. Operate with the goal of protecting and enhancing the ecological integrity of the watersheds within the District’s boundaries.
  5. Cooperate with all governmental and private entities that participate in the protection of local watersheds.
  6. Maintain user fees at levels that fully cover the costs of operating and maintaining the system. Maintain impact fees at levels that fully cover the capital costs of providing service to newly serviced areas.
  7. Recognize that the most valuable asset of the District is its employees.
  8. Promote and encourage the reclamation and reuse of wastewater.


Water Environment Association of Utah Awards

  • NACWA Peak Performance Platinum 20 ECWRF, 2024
  • NACWA Peak Performance Platinum 21 SCWRF, 2024
  • NACWA Peak Performance Platinum 19 ECWRF, 2023
  • NACWA Peak Performance Platinum 20 SCWRF, 2023
  • NACWA Peak Performance Platinum 18 ECWRF, 2022
  • NACWA Peak Performance Platinum 19 SCWRF, 2022
  • WEAU Outstanding Collections System over 5 MGD, SBWRD, 2022
  • WEAU Outstanding Water Reclamation Facility Under 5 MGD, SCWRF, 2021
  • WEF Excellence Award SBWRD, 2021
  • WEF Fellow, Marlo Davis, 2021
  • Outstanding Collection Operator Over 5 MGD, Josh Surratt, 2020
  • Outstanding Supervisor, Marlo Davis, 2020
  • Outstanding WRF Operator Under 5 MGD, Jim Giles, 2020
  • WEAU Excellence Award, SBWRD, 2020
  • WEAU outstanding Collection Operator Over 5 MGD, Josh Surratt, 2020
  • WEAU Outstanding Collections System over 5 MGD, SBWRD, 2020
  • WEAU Outstanding Supervisor, Marlo Davis, 2020
  • WEAU Outstanding Water Reclamation Operator Under 5 MGD, Jim Giles, 2020
  • National Arthur Sidney Bedell Award, Chad Burrell, 2018
  • National Laboratory Excellence Award, Tiffini Adams, 2018

Peak Performance Awards from the National Association of Clean Water Agencies

Government Finance Officers Association

  • Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, 2021

Utah Local Government Trust Award

  • Accountability Program Award (Safety Award), 2017

Service Area

View a map of SBWRD service boundaries. Service Area Map